Its now December so the next shhhh clothing mouth in under way. This months artist/illustrator is Adam Batchelor. This mouth exhibition was held in a fashion boutique called Bespoke Boutique situated in the Lower Goat lane Norwich. The owner of the shop gave shhhhh the whole front window and a rail for the collection. The boss man of shhhhh asked again myself and another artist Liam Clark if we would like help the curate the show. This was a different style of show from the last one. It was very minimal show with not a lot of work to be hung. We found good spaces for the framed pieces of work in the store but the hardest bit was the shop window. We wonted it to look really eye catching and dynamic so it would draw people in. We spent a long time playing around with different combinations until we found right one. We found it was eye catching and had a certain amount of class and sophistication to it. This was a really good opportunity again and has add again more to my experience and skill about how to go about curating an exhibition.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Its now December so the next shhhh clothing mouth in under way. This months artist/illustrator is Adam Batchelor. This mouth exhibition was held in a fashion boutique called Bespoke Boutique situated in the Lower Goat lane Norwich. The owner of the shop gave shhhhh the whole front window and a rail for the collection. The boss man of shhhhh asked again myself and another artist Liam Clark if we would like help the curate the show. This was a different style of show from the last one. It was very minimal show with not a lot of work to be hung. We found good spaces for the framed pieces of work in the store but the hardest bit was the shop window. We wonted it to look really eye catching and dynamic so it would draw people in. We spent a long time playing around with different combinations until we found right one. We found it was eye catching and had a certain amount of class and sophistication to it. This was a really good opportunity again and has add again more to my experience and skill about how to go about curating an exhibition.
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
D.I.Y. or DIE Zine Exhibtion
D.I.Y. or DIE Zine Exhibition
As well as the exhibition the 0ninehundred had a zine show in the Norwich University College of the Arts library. This show was a collection of personal zines the 0nineHUNDRED have collected over the year. Artist such as Craig Atkinson, Gemma Correll, Julia Pott, Simon Wild and many more.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Christmas time !!!
From not getting many hours at work over the summer I got a lot of drawing and just creating little thing done. I found lots of inspiration from a lot of things such as books i read etc. So when i returned after the the summer back to the art school i had lots of work already done. This was good because my creative mind did not stop ticking over so i wasn't suck of where to start.
I have found this year to do list have been a massive thing in my practise at the moment. I write down all ideas and things i want to create in a list and just go down the list crossing them off. This takes a lot of my mind and stops me from "over heating" and worrying about if i forget an idea.
This year we had to do some presentation about are practice which i was fine about and everything went OK their. The best thing i took from doing this is that i had to really think about my practice and where all the ideas come from. This opened a lot of doors in my mind and has helped me to become a "better artist". We also had to do a poster presentation as well which is such a stupid idea and everyone in my year and even my tutor agree so hopefully this will be the last year of that. It just didn't fit in the a fine art degree, they encourage us to be free and create this amazing things but then they give us all these rules for what this poster had to be. Their response was that it would help us present to a gallery etc but i just have one word for them "Portfolio"!!!
This term has been crazy busy as well out side of the art school. Me and another artist Liam Clark curated a show from Shhhh Clothing which was a lot of fun and great opportunity and learned more about hanging an exhibition. Also done a lot of drawing of shhhh clothing in their club night which has been great fun and great exposure. I have also branched out in to the public eye with producing a line of T shirts, stickers and more Zines and now being stocked in a shop in Norwich Called Cherry Cherry but another post on that later.
The OnineHUNDRED had a show in the art school which went down a storm and we got some wicked feed back and it was so rad to see some work i am really happy with up in a gallery for everyone to see. I even sold a painting. Now i want to start looking for places outside the art school so i can branch even more in to the public eye.
"What to look out for"
The next year is going to a big one. i got some big plans for my work and in talks with people about some show out side the art school. So get excited its going to be a fun ride.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
D.I.Y. or DIE Exhibtion
D.I.Y. or DIE Exhibition
The 0nineHUNDRED art collective had a show in Norwich University College of the arts. The collective is made up of three artists Liam Clark, Rob Freimuller and Guy Jarrett. We have been very busy and have busted out lots of work and decided to pretty much hanging everything we have done. The private view was a great success and I video of the show will be up loaded very soon so keep an eye out for that. More photo’s of the show on the 0nineHUNDRED facebook page.
Saturday, 27 November 2010

All the small sizes have sold out sorry. Still got some medium and large left. Get them while their HOT !!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Exhibition !!!!

Sunday, 21 November 2010
Friday, 19 November 2010
A Good Lecture
Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Saturday, 13 November 2010
After Party/ Drawing
After a very rad private view with some wicked chilled vibes we headed down stairs to party the night away "in the club" many people came through the door and got very jolly and it was a very successfully night and fun was had by all. Also me and artist Liam Clark had a massive drawing session from 10.30 to 1.30 in the morning here is what we produced.